Welcome to the quirky, colorful world of an artist who started with Disney sketches and evolved into a maestro of the unconventional. My art story? A wild, self-taught ride powered by relentless, almost manic practice, where each project is a dare to dance outside my comfort zone.

Imagine a style that’s a zany cocktail of high-key-low-brow-pop-trash-neo-classical-glam-vertisement. This is where I play, bringing to life art that’s bold, unapologetically cheeky, and bursting with character. Transitioning from the tactile charm of ink and watercolor to the boundless realms of digital due to a shaky hand, I’ve embraced technology to keep my creative fires burning bright.

Who enjoys my artistic shenanigans? A kaleidoscope of clients – from boisterous bars and quirky restaurants to eclectic bands. Picture working with the likes of Pumpers, Murdered Out, and Bagel Fuckers, each project a new adventure, each design a story waiting to be told.

A standout moment? The Covid-era flyers for Pumpers. Here, I dove headfirst into the digital deep end, learning on the fly, and what a splash it made! My process is part mad scientist, part meticulous artist – diving into research, piecing together collages, then bringing it all to life with line work that dances and colors that sing. And let’s not forget the fonts – sometimes hand-drawn, always fabulous.

What sets my art apart is its fearless embrace of the bold and the bizarre. It’s a rollercoaster ride through the unconventional, a celebration of the audacious. It’s not just about turning heads; it’s about spinning tales and sparking imagination.

Sure, the digital art world was a bit of a jigsaw puzzle without a box cover, and sure, not everyone gets the joke in my art. But that’s just added more shades to my palette. My creations are not just art; they’re experiences that invite you into a whimsical world of storytelling beyond the canvas.

In every piece I craft, whether it’s a portrait or an advertisement, I aim for a visual feast that tells its own tale. It’s an invitation to step into a realm where art is playful, stories are vibrant, and every detail is a wink and a nudge.

Welcome to my world – a little odd, always fun, and unapologetically me.

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